MyCyFAPP public agenda: Congress, workshops, conferences, meetings.

Empowered Partners in Health through user-driven digitisation
MyCyFAPP has been invited to participate in the European Health and Telematic Association. "From Lightweight Wellness Apps to Managing Serious Conditions" session will be an opportuinty to share how MyCyFAPP can improve the wellbeing of people with cystic fibrosis.
Monday 3rd December. 13:30 h.
Target: Ehealth stakeholders

9th South Eastern European Cystic Fibrosis Conference
Next 17th November MyCyFAPP will be presented at the 9th South Eastern European CF Conference
17th November
More information coming up in the following weeks

32nd EFFoST Conference
Oral presentation at Bioprocess session. Lipolysis of oil and butter under joint in vitro digestion of carbohydrate and protein-rich food matrices.
6th November 2018
Target: Food scientists, food industry.

Research and new treatments in Cystic Fibrosis
The University of Burgos (UBU), in collaboration with the National Reference Centre for People with Rare Diseases (CREER), will hold the TAT-CF final conference on 4th December in Burgos. This conference is aimed at associations and patients, as well as professionals in the sector and the objectives are to present the main results obtained within the TAT-CF project and establish a debate on the therapeutic advances that are currently being made in the field of Cystic Fibrosis.
Target: Patients and professionals.

Research at Spanish Universities
MyCyFAPP will be one of the 8 Projects being part of this exhibition that aims to show outstanding research projects developed at the universities in Spain. The exhibition will be inaugurated next autumn and will last for six months.
Opening data 15th November
Target: Family audience.


ICT 2018
In an open and participatory event, organised by the European Commission and the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, citizens can join science community members, policymakers, and fellow ICT-enthusiasts to discuss the future in a digital Europe. MyCyFAPP will be part of this event by showcasing the Project in an innovation booth.
6th-8th December
Target. Digital stakeholders in Europe

MWeek A Coruña
MyCyFAPP has been invited to join this week of reflection about how digital tools influence the lives of people. In a workshop, the team will share the innovations developed by the Consortium and will give the opportunity to interact with the applications.
23th November
Target: Family audience
More info coming up in the following weeks

Congreso XPatients
Next 20th September in Barcelona Project exhibition at the XPatient Congress.
Target: Healthcare professionals, IT developers, patients.

European Research Night
MyCyFAPP will participate in the European Research Nigth at the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe. Part of the research team will explain how the research arrives from the laboratory to the patients.
Target: Family audience

Every six months MyCyFAPP holds a Progress Meeting. The next Progress Meeting will be in Milan next 17th June.
Target: Partners of the Consortium (private meeting).


Next 6th June MyCyFAPP will be presented at the 41st European Cystic Fibrosis Conference in Belgrade.
Innovation Zone at the European at 41st European Cystic Fibrosis Conference in Belgrade.
Target: Scientists, healthcare professionals, stakeholders & patiens
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