An accurate enzyme replacement arises as an early nutritional intervention able to provide better nutritional status and patients’ welfare from early stages avoiding complications associated to the development of the cystic fibrosis disease. By means of an innovative Ehealth system, MyCyFAPP promotes a healthy lifestyle, intertwining patient empowerment, education on food intake habits preventing Cystic Fibrosis complications.

New model for a personalised enzyme replacement
The model is able to predict the personalised and customised amount of enzymes required for the complete digestion of each different meal that patients consume, taking into account the characteristics of each food product or meal.

Scientific based
The Consortium designed a pilot studio whose results suggested that the algorithm developed for the calculation of the optimal dose of Enzyme Replacement Therapy is reliable and can be used for clinical purposes.
Since January 2018 the 200 patients are testing the APP in the clinical trial phase. For 6 months patients from 6 Cystic Fibrosis units will use the APP on daily basis, supervised by their healthcare professionals team.

Benefits of the Ehealth platform
MyCyFAPP replaces traditional in hospital outpatients consultations by mobile consultations, allowing for a continuous follow-up and establishing of interventions if needed. Avoids tedious and expensive analytical determinations (stools collection) improving thus health nutritional status and quality of life of patients and families, together with achieving an economic save both for the Health Systems and for the families.

Multidisciplinary project
The multidisciplinary approach increases patients’ adherence to the treatment to achieve the best outcome of the nutritional intervention, mainly in childhood. The digital ecosystem improves the socio-economic impact of the disease, promoting healthy lifestyle, intertwining patient empowerment, education and training with self-management and prevention of secondary CF-complications